Color RegionColor HTMLClass HTMLChargeType SecondaryImage RegionCategory Constituents CategoryCategory Region Category TreeNode RegionType GeometryType GeoLocationSection GeoLocation AlphaGroup AdoptionDateRange ColorID Code Description 1 LIGHT BLUE Light Blue 2 BLUE Blue 3 GOLD Gold 4 RED Red 5 WHITE White 6 BLACK Black 7 ORANGE Orange 8 GREEN Green 9 YELLOW Yellow 10 PURPLE Purple 11 BROWN Brown 12 DARKRED Dark Red (12 row(s) affected) RegionColorID RegionID ColorID 486 1 4 325 1 6 406 1 8 389 2 2 530 2 4 694 2 9 479 3 4 311 3 6 540 5 4 633 5 5 438 5 8 345 6 2 480 6 4 574 6 5 316 6 6 664 6 9 723 6 11 348 7 2 482 7 4 576 7 5 320 7 6 668 7 9 462 9 1 725 9 2 508 9 4 600 9 5 474 9 7 465 10 1 644 10 5 5 11 1 6 11 5 7 11 9 641 12 5 455 12 8 715 12 9 368 13 2 509 13 4 475 13 7 472 14 1 559 14 4 649 14 5 720 14 9 393 15 2 534 15 4 621 15 5 698 15 9 369 16 2 510 16 4 601 16 5 560 17 4 650 17 5 358 18 2 501 18 4 591 18 5 419 18 8 496 20 4 337 20 6 679 20 9 343 22 2 314 22 6 662 22 9 561 23 4 651 23 5 584 24 5 335 24 6 473 24 7 678 24 9 541 25 4 634 25 5 439 25 8 538 28 4 432 28 8 547 29 4 445 29 8 705 29 9 396 30 2 624 30 5 701 30 9 341 31 2 572 31 5 312 31 6 365 32 2 597 32 5 426 32 8 691 32 9 344 33 2 315 33 6 663 33 9 498 35 4 586 35 5 339 35 6 681 35 9 548 36 4 446 36 8 706 36 9 542 37 4 635 37 5 440 37 8 543 38 4 636 38 5 441 38 8 363 40 2 506 40 4 595 40 5 424 40 8 689 40 9 370 41 2 511 41 4 602 41 5 549 42 4 447 42 8 707 42 9 562 43 4 652 43 5 461 44 1 727 44 2 318 44 6 403 44 8 666 44 9 394 45 2 535 45 4 622 45 5 699 45 9 630 46 5 476 46 7 435 46 8 390 47 2 531 47 4 695 47 9 371 48 2 512 48 4 603 48 5 400 49 3 537 49 4 366 50 2 598 50 5 427 50 8 692 50 9 367 51 2 599 51 5 428 51 8 693 51 9 372 52 2 513 52 4 604 52 5 391 53 2 532 53 4 696 53 9 373 54 2 514 54 4 605 54 5 397 55 2 625 55 5 702 55 9 362 56 2 505 56 4 594 56 5 423 56 8 688 56 9 550 57 4 448 57 8 708 57 9 374 58 2 515 58 4 606 58 5 375 60 2 516 60 4 607 60 5 642 62 5 456 62 8 716 62 9 376 63 2 517 63 4 608 63 5 359 65 2 502 65 4 592 65 5 420 65 8 377 67 2 518 67 4 609 67 5 399 69 3 485 69 4 580 69 5 324 69 6 470 73 1 557 73 4 458 73 8 736 73 9 342 74 2 573 74 5 313 74 6 737 75 2 558 75 4 459 75 8 719 75 9 499 76 4 587 76 5 340 76 6 682 76 9 353 77 2 683 77 9 301 79 1 302 79 4 303 79 5 304 80 2 305 80 3 351 82 2 588 82 5 378 84 2 519 84 4 610 84 5 379 85 2 520 85 4 611 85 5 380 86 2 521 86 4 612 86 5 356 87 2 417 87 8 685 87 9 360 88 2 503 88 4 593 88 5 421 88 8 483 89 4 578 89 5 497 90 4 338 90 6 680 90 9 488 91 4 328 91 6 409 91 8 671 91 9 307 92 3 308 92 4 309 92 5 306 92 6 466 93 1 645 93 5 551 94 4 449 94 8 709 94 9 563 95 4 653 95 5 381 96 2 522 96 4 613 96 5 489 99 4 329 99 6 410 99 8 672 99 9 571 100 4 661 100 5 722 100 9 552 101 4 450 101 8 710 101 9 492 102 4 581 102 5 332 102 6 413 102 8 675 102 9 350 103 2 500 103 4 382 104 2 523 104 4 614 104 5 1 105 4 2 105 5 467 106 1 646 106 5 544 107 4 637 107 5 442 107 8 383 108 2 524 108 4 615 108 5 3 109 4 4 109 5 8 110 2 11 110 5 10 110 7 9 110 8 564 111 4 654 111 5 13 112 4 14 112 5 12 112 8 17 113 4 18 113 5 15 113 6 16 113 8 631 114 5 477 114 7 436 114 8 21 115 4 22 115 5 19 115 6 20 115 8 352 117 2 589 117 5 545 118 4 638 118 5 443 118 8 327 119 6 408 119 8 670 119 9 565 120 4 655 120 5 25 122 4 26 122 5 23 122 6 24 122 8 27 123 1 28 123 9 484 124 4 579 124 5 323 124 6 405 124 8 29 125 2 30 125 3 31 125 4 32 125 5 35 126 4 36 126 5 33 126 6 34 126 8 37 127 3 38 127 4 39 128 2 40 128 4 41 128 5 627 129 5 729 129 12 431 130 8 43 131 4 44 131 5 42 131 8 732 132 2 628 132 5 731 132 6 429 132 8 384 133 2 525 133 4 616 133 5 392 134 2 533 134 4 697 134 9 553 135 4 451 135 8 711 135 9 45 136 1 46 136 4 47 136 5 49 137 5 48 137 8 50 137 9 51 138 4 52 138 9 546 139 4 639 139 5 444 139 8 53 140 2 55 140 5 54 140 7 57 141 4 58 141 5 56 141 8 554 142 4 452 142 8 712 142 9 59 143 2 60 143 4 61 143 5 62 143 9 487 145 4 326 145 6 407 145 8 63 146 2 64 146 5 643 147 5 457 147 8 717 147 9 65 148 2 66 148 4 67 148 5 68 150 1 69 150 5 566 153 4 656 153 5 71 154 1 70 154 3 72 154 4 539 156 4 433 156 8 75 157 4 76 157 5 73 157 6 74 157 8 77 157 9 361 158 2 504 158 4 422 158 8 687 158 9 78 159 2 79 159 4 80 159 5 364 160 2 507 160 4 596 160 5 425 160 8 690 160 9 81 161 2 82 161 5 83 162 2 84 162 5 85 162 9 86 163 4 87 163 5 88 164 2 89 164 4 90 164 5 91 165 2 92 165 4 93 165 5 385 166 2 526 166 4 617 166 5 95 167 5 94 167 8 629 168 5 434 168 8 632 170 5 478 170 7 437 170 8 97 171 2 98 171 4 99 171 5 96 171 6 100 171 9 101 172 2 102 172 4 103 172 5 104 174 3 105 174 4 106 174 5 107 175 2 108 175 5 386 176 2 527 176 4 618 176 5 110 177 2 112 177 4 109 177 6 111 177 8 113 177 9 114 178 2 115 178 4 116 178 5 118 181 2 120 181 4 121 181 5 117 181 6 119 181 8 122 181 9 124 182 4 125 182 5 123 182 8 126 183 1 127 183 5 129 184 5 128 184 8 130 185 1 131 185 9 387 186 2 528 186 4 619 186 5 133 187 3 134 187 4 135 187 5 132 187 6 567 189 4 657 189 5 136 190 2 137 190 4 138 190 5 139 190 9 568 192 4 658 192 5 140 194 2 141 194 4 142 194 5 143 195 4 144 195 5 145 196 2 146 196 4 147 196 9 148 197 2 151 197 4 152 197 5 150 197 7 149 197 8 153 198 1 154 198 4 155 198 5 464 199 1 401 199 3 430 199 8 704 199 9 157 200 5 156 200 8 468 201 1 647 201 5 158 202 2 160 202 4 159 202 8 161 202 9 162 203 3 163 203 4 164 203 5 165 205 5 310 205 10 167 206 1 166 206 3 168 206 4 169 206 5 555 207 4 453 207 8 713 207 9 493 208 4 582 208 5 333 208 6 414 208 8 676 208 9 355 210 2 590 210 5 416 210 8 170 211 4 171 211 5 173 212 2 174 212 4 175 212 5 172 212 6 176 213 2 177 213 4 178 213 5 179 213 9 469 214 1 648 214 5 182 215 4 183 215 5 180 215 6 181 215 8 184 216 4 185 216 5 347 217 2 481 217 4 575 217 5 319 217 6 404 217 8 667 217 9 186 218 2 188 218 5 187 218 8 189 218 9 191 220 1 190 220 2 192 220 5 193 221 3 196 221 4 195 221 7 194 221 8 494 223 4 583 223 5 334 223 6 415 223 8 677 223 9 349 224 2 577 224 5 321 224 6 669 224 9 197 225 2 198 225 3 200 225 4 201 225 5 199 225 8 202 225 9 490 226 4 330 226 6 411 226 8 673 226 9 491 227 4 331 227 6 412 227 8 674 227 9 556 228 4 640 228 5 454 228 8 714 228 9 357 229 2 418 229 8 686 229 9 203 230 2 204 230 4 205 230 5 398 231 2 626 231 5 703 231 9 569 232 4 659 232 5 208 233 4 209 233 5 206 233 6 207 233 8 211 234 2 212 234 4 213 234 5 210 234 6 214 234 9 215 235 2 216 235 4 217 235 5 218 236 3 220 236 4 221 236 5 219 236 8 346 237 2 317 237 6 402 237 8 665 237 9 222 238 2 223 238 4 224 238 5 570 241 4 660 241 5 460 241 8 721 241 9 225 242 2 226 242 5 227 242 9 228 243 4 229 243 5 230 244 2 231 244 4 232 244 5 495 245 4 585 245 5 336 245 6 233 247 4 234 247 5 235 248 4 236 248 5 238 249 1 237 249 2 239 249 4 240 249 5 241 249 9 244 250 4 245 250 5 242 250 6 243 250 8 246 252 1 247 252 9 248 253 2 249 253 4 250 253 5 251 254 1 252 254 5 388 255 2 529 255 4 620 255 5 253 256 1 254 256 5 255 256 9 259 257 1 256 257 2 257 257 3 260 257 4 261 257 5 258 257 8 263 258 1 264 258 4 265 258 5 262 258 8 268 260 4 266 260 6 267 260 8 269 260 9 395 261 2 536 261 4 623 261 5 700 261 9 270 262 3 271 262 4 272 263 2 273 263 4 274 263 5 276 264 4 277 264 5 275 264 8 280 265 4 281 265 5 278 265 6 279 265 8 284 266 4 285 266 5 282 266 6 283 266 8 286 267 2 287 267 4 288 267 5 290 268 4 291 268 5 289 268 6 295 270 4 292 270 6 294 270 7 293 270 8 354 271 2 684 271 9 298 272 4 299 272 5 296 272 6 297 272 8 300 272 9 (726 row(s) affected) HTMLClassID Code Description SortOrder 1 CHECK Checkerboard 2 2 CROSS Cross 4 3 PLAIN Plain 1 4 STRIPE Striped 3 5 TRIAN Triangle 5 6 UNIONJ Union Jack 6 (6 row(s) affected) HTMLChargeTypeID Code Description SortOrder 1 NONE None 1 2 NORMAL Normal 2 3 OVERLAP Overlap 3 (3 row(s) affected) RegionID Idx Descr RatioNumer RatioDenom 1 2 Detail NULL NULL 3 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 3 3 Civil Ensign 2 3 4 2 Detail: Alderney's Badge NULL NULL 6 2 Detail NULL NULL 8 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 9 2 Detail: Anguilla's Arms NULL NULL 11 2 National Flag & Civil Ensign 1 2 11 3 Detail: Sun of May NULL NULL 16 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 16 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 17 2 State Flag 2 3 17 3 Detail: Eagle & Arms NULL NULL 19 2 Detail: British Antarctic Territory's Arms NULL NULL 19 3 Government Ensign 1 2 19 4 Commissioner's Flag 1 2 20 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 20 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 20 8 Government Ensign 2 3 20 9 Detail: Lion & Crown NULL NULL 21 2 Detail: Bermuda's Arms NULL NULL 21 3 Government Ensign 1 2 22 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 22 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 25 2 Pre-1995 National Flag 1 2 26 2 National Flag 2 3 26 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 26 4 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 27 2 Detail NULL NULL 28 2 Civil Ensign 3 5 30 6 Previous National Flag 1 2 32 2 Detail: Globe NULL NULL 33 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 35 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 39 2 Detail: British Virgin Islands' Arms NULL NULL 39 3 Civil Ensign 1 2 41 2 Detail: Angkor Wat NULL NULL 49 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 53 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 56 2 Detail: "Allah" NULL NULL 56 3 Detail: "Mohammed" NULL NULL 56 4 Previous National Flag (-1996) 3 5 56 5 Erroneous Flag 3 5 58 2 State Flag 3 5 58 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 59 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 59 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 59 4 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 59 5 Naval Jack 2 3 61 2 Detail: Cayman Islands' Arms NULL NULL 61 3 Civil Ensign 1 2 64 2 Naval Ensign 10 19 66 2 Detail: Parrot (Sisserou) NULL NULL 67 2 State Flag 5 8 67 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 68 2 National Flag & Civil Ensign 1 2 68 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 69 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 69 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 70 2 Civil Ensign 4 7 70 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 72 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 74 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 74 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 75 2 Previous National Flag 1 2 78 2 Detail: Falkland Islands' Arms NULL NULL 78 3 Civil Ensign 1 2 80 2 President 2 3 80 3 Secretary-General 2 3 80 4 Secretary-General for Congresses 2 3 80 5 XIX International Congress of Vexillology 3 5 80 6 XVIII International Congress of Vexillology 2 3 81 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 81 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 81 4 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 82 2 State Flag 3 5 82 3 Naval Ensign 4 7 82 4 Naval Jack 1 1 82 5 Yacht Ensign 3 5 82 6 Aland Islands 11 17 90 2 State Flag 3 5 90 3 Naval Ensign 3 5 91 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 91 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 92 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 92 3 Detail: Gibralter's Arms NULL NULL 92 4 Government Ensign 1 2 92 5 Detail: Badge NULL NULL 97 2 Detail: Central Symbol NULL NULL 98 2 Civil Ensign 5 8 98 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 100 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 103 2 State Flag 3 5 103 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 105 2 SAR Garrison 2 3 105 3 SAR Naval Patrol 2 3 105 4 Previous Colonial Flag 1 2 105 5 Detail: Hong Kong's Arms NULL NULL 105 6 Previous Colonial Governor's Flag 1 2 107 2 State Flag 2 3 107 3 Detail: State Arms NULL NULL 108 2 State Flag 4 7 109 2 Red Crescent 2 3 109 3 Red Lion & Sun 2 3 109 4 Red Chevrons (Proposal) 2 3 110 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 110 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 110 4 Detail: Dharma Chakra NULL NULL 116 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 117 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 117 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 117 4 Palestinian National Authority 1 2 118 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 118 3 Naval Ensign 2 3 118 4 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 119 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 120 2 Naval Ensign 7 10 121 2 Detail: Jersey's Arms NULL NULL 122 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 122 3 Royal Flag 1 2 123 2 Detail: Eagle & Sun NULL NULL 123 3 Detail: Edge Pattern NULL NULL 123 4 Naval Ensign 1 2 123 5 Government Ensign 1 2 124 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 125 2 Detail: Frigate Bird & Sun NULL NULL 129 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 131 2 Naval Jack 2 3 134 2 State Flag 3 5 136 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 137 3 Regional Flag 2 3 138 2 Star of Verjina Flag 1991-1995 1 2 143 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 143 18 Naval Ensign 1 2 144 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 144 3 Detail: George Cross Medal NULL NULL 146 2 Local Flag (unofficial) 2 3 149 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 152 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 153 2 State Flag 2 3 155 2 Detail: Montserrat's Arms NULL NULL 157 2 Detail: Star, Hoe & Kalashnikov NULL NULL 158 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 158 3 Civil Ensign 1 2 158 4 Government Ensign 1 2 158 5 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 159 2 Detail: Emblem NULL NULL 168 4 Civil Ensign 1 2 168 5 Naval Ensign 1 2 169 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 173 2 Detail: Stone and Garland NULL NULL 176 2 State Flag 3 5 177 2 Kanaky Local Flag (unofficial) 1 2 178 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 178 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 178 6 Maori "Tino Rangatiratanga" Flag (unofficial) 1 2 181 2 Unified German Olympic Flag 1960-1968 3 5 181 3 Chinese-Taipei National Olympic Committee 1984- 2 3 181 4 South African National Olympic Committee 1992 2 3 181 5 Korean Olympic Flag 2000 2 3 182 2 Detail: Emblem NULL NULL 182 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 184 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 184 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 187 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 188 2 Detail: Arms (Obverse Side) NULL NULL 188 3 Detail: Treasury Seal (Reverse Side) NULL NULL 189 2 State Flag 2 3 189 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 191 2 Detail: Pitcairn Islands' Arms NULL NULL 192 2 State Flag & Civil Ensign 5 8 192 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 192 4 Air Force Ensign 5 8 193 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 193 3 The Azores 2 3 193 4 Madeira 2 3 197 2 Local Flag (unofficial) 3 5 198 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 198 3 Former Soviet Union's Flag 1 2 200 2 Detail: "There is no God but Allah..." NULL NULL 200 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 200 4 Civil Ensign 2 3 201 2 State Flag 2 3 201 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 204 2 Royal "Lion Rampant" Flag 3 5 205 2 World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts NULL NULL 206 2 Previous National Flag 2 3 208 2 Previous National Flag 1 2 209 2 Detail: South Georgia's Arms NULL NULL 209 3 Commissioner's Flag 1 2 211 2 Civil Ensign 1 2 211 3 Naval Ensign 1 2 212 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 213 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 213 3 National Flag 1 2 215 2 Previous Flag 1 2 217 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 217 3 Previous National Flag 2 3 217 4 Previous KwaZulu Flag 2 3 219 2 National Flag 2 3 219 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 222 2 Detail: St. Helena's Arms NULL NULL 223 2 Nevis Local Flag (status unknown) 2 3 225 2 Local Flag (unofficial) 2 3 231 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 232 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 235 2 Civil Ensign 2 3 236 2 Detail: Crown & Stars NULL NULL 238 2 Naval Ensign 2 3 238 3 Detail: Elephant NULL NULL 239 2 Detail: Lion & Yin-Yang NULL NULL 240 2 Detail: Upper Pattern NULL NULL 240 3 Detail: Lower Pattern & Laurel Wreath NULL NULL 240 4 Previous National Flag 1 2 243 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 245 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 246 2 Detail: Turks & Caicos Islands' Arms NULL NULL 249 2 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 249 3 National Flag (pre 1995 & 1997-) 1 2 251 2 Detail: Crested Crane NULL NULL 252 2 Naval Ensign 1 2 253 2 Civil Ensign "Red Duster" 1 2 253 3 Naval Ensign "White Ensign" 1 2 253 4 Government / Naval Reserve Ensign 1 2 253 29 Civil Jack 1 2 253 30 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ensign 1 2 253 31 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Jack 1 1 253 32 Royal Maritime Auxiliary Ensign 1 2 253 33 Government Service Ensign 1 2 253 34 Civil Air Ensign 1 2 255 2 Alabama 1 1 255 3 Alaska 2 3 255 4 Arizona 2 3 255 5 Arkansas 2 3 255 6 California 2 3 255 7 Colorado 2 3 255 8 Connecticut 4 5 255 9 Detail: Connecticut NULL NULL 255 10 Delaware 3 4 255 11 Detail: Delaware NULL NULL 255 12 Florida 2 3 255 13 Detail: Florida NULL NULL 255 16 Hawaii 1 2 255 17 Idaho 2 3 255 18 Detail: Idaho NULL NULL 255 19 Illinois 3 5 255 20 Detail: Illinois NULL NULL 255 21 Indiana 2 3 255 22 Iowa 2 3 255 23 Detail: Iowa NULL NULL 255 24 Kansas 3 5 255 25 Detail: Kansas NULL NULL 255 26 Kentucky 10 19 255 27 Detail: Kentucky NULL NULL 255 28 Louisiana 2 3 255 29 Detail: Louisiana NULL NULL 255 30 Maine 2 3 255 31 Detail: Maine NULL NULL 255 32 Maryland 2 3 255 33 Massachusetts 3 5 255 34 Detail: Massachusetts NULL NULL 255 35 Michigan 2 3 255 36 Detail: Michigan NULL NULL 255 37 Minnesota 7 11 255 38 Detail: Minnesota NULL NULL 255 39 Mississippi 2 3 255 40 Missouri 10 17 255 41 Detail: Missouri NULL NULL 255 42 Montana 2 3 255 43 Detail: Montana NULL NULL 255 44 Nebraska 3 5 255 45 Detail: Nebraska NULL NULL 255 46 Nevada 2 3 255 47 Detail: Nevada NULL NULL 255 48 New Hampshire 2 3 255 49 Detail: New Hampshire NULL NULL 255 50 New Jersey 2 3 255 51 Detail: New Jersey NULL NULL 255 52 New Mexico 2 3 255 53 New York 1 2 255 54 Detail: New York NULL NULL 255 55 North Carolina 2 3 255 56 North Dakota 2 3 255 57 Detail: North Dakota 2 3 255 58 Ohio 5 8 255 59 Oklahoma 2 3 255 60 Detail: Oklahoma NULL NULL 255 61 Oregon 3 5 255 62 Detail: Oregon NULL NULL 255 63 Pennsylvania 2 3 255 64 Detail: Pennsylvania NULL NULL 255 65 Rhode Island 1 1 255 66 South Carolina 2 3 255 67 South Dakota 3 5 255 68 Detail: South Dakota NULL NULL 255 69 Tennessee 3 5 255 70 Texas 2 3 255 71 Utah 2 3 255 72 Detail: Utah NULL NULL 255 73 Vermont 3 5 255 74 Detail: Vermont NULL NULL 255 75 Virginia 7 11 255 76 Detail: Virginia NULL NULL 255 77 Washington 2 3 255 78 Detail: Washington NULL NULL 255 79 West Virginia 10 19 255 80 Detail: West Virginia NULL NULL 255 81 Wisconsin 2 3 255 82 Detail: Wisconsin NULL NULL 255 83 Wyoming 2 3 255 84 Detail: Wyoming NULL NULL 255 85 District of Columbia 10 19 255 89 Oregon (Reverse) NULL NULL 255 90 Georgia 2 3 255 91 Detail: Georgia NULL NULL 256 2 Detail: Sun NULL NULL 258 2 Kara-Kalpak 1 2 259 2 Detail: Papal Emblem NULL NULL 260 2 Detail: Boar's Tusk and Fern Leaves NULL NULL 261 2 State Flag 2 3 261 3 Detail: Arms NULL NULL 263 2 Local Flag (unofficial) 2 3 269 2 National Flag 1 2 270 2 Detail: Eagle NULL NULL 271 2 Previous National Flag (1971-1997) 2 3 271 3 Previous National Flag (1963-1971) 2 3 272 2 Detail: Star and Soapstone Bird NULL NULL (327 row(s) affected) ID RegionID CategoryID FeatureInCrest 1 1 9 0 2 3 38 0 3 3 20 0 4 5 50 0 5 5 18 0 6 8 12 0 7 2 50 0 8 2 26 0 9 9 91 0 10 10 20 0 11 10 78 0 12 7 55 0 13 11 10 0 14 11 79 0 15 13 8 0 16 14 45 0 17 14 6 0 18 16 56 0 19 16 73 0 20 17 76 0 21 18 10 0 22 18 18 0 23 18 44 0 24 23 80 0 26 28 20 0 27 28 81 0 28 120 81 0 29 33 12 0 30 20 9 0 31 27 20 0 32 29 3 0 33 21 91 0 34 24 49 0 36 24 82 0 37 26 10 0 38 30 42 0 41 31 83 0 42 32 64 0 43 32 84 0 46 26 51 0 47 27 51 0 48 35 51 0 49 35 49 0 50 34 91 0 51 34 63 0 52 34 6 0 54 39 91 0 55 39 51 0 56 37 8 0 57 36 50 0 58 36 42 0 59 38 43 0 60 38 88 0 61 41 66 0 62 42 46 0 63 43 12 0 64 45 42 0 65 45 6 0 67 61 91 0 69 40 42 0 70 40 6 0 72 40 58 0 73 47 9 0 74 48 42 0 75 49 26 0 76 49 42 0 77 50 24 0 78 50 30 0 79 50 73 0 80 54 56 0 81 54 73 0 82 53 66 0 83 56 60 0 84 56 61 0 85 57 30 0 86 57 11 0 87 271 42 0 88 52 56 0 89 52 42 0 90 52 34 0 91 58 6 0 92 58 3 0 93 46 77 0 94 59 10 0 95 59 51 0 97 60 42 0 98 60 104 0 100 62 78 0 101 62 89 0 102 130 32 0 103 165 31 0 104 165 18 0 105 165 44 0 106 64 59 0 107 65 42 0 108 65 108 0 109 66 24 1 110 66 4 0 111 66 86 0 112 67 86 0 113 67 15 0 114 76 42 0 115 76 108 0 116 68 66 0 117 68 10 0 118 68 50 0 119 69 76 0 120 69 10 0 121 70 76 0 122 70 10 0 123 71 15 0 124 72 51 0 125 72 104 0 127 73 108 0 128 73 89 0 129 74 8 0 130 75 10 0 131 75 42 0 132 75 50 0 133 77 34 0 134 77 42 0 135 78 91 0 137 81 91 0 139 82 59 0 140 84 77 0 141 85 77 0 142 83 66 0 143 83 10 0 144 83 63 1 145 83 55 1 146 87 8 0 147 89 14 0 148 89 3 0 149 90 8 0 150 91 47 0 151 92 71 0 152 92 87 0 153 41 87 0 154 93 6 0 155 93 15 0 156 93 57 0 157 93 14 0 158 95 57 0 159 95 34 0 160 94 35 0 161 94 42 0 162 94 34 0 163 94 88 0 164 96 77 0 165 97 35 0 166 97 96 1 167 97 39 1 168 98 12 0 169 98 89 0 170 98 77 0 172 98 28 1 173 98 24 1 174 98 90 1 175 100 15 0 176 100 58 0 177 101 9 0 178 99 42 0 179 102 108 0 180 102 83 0 181 103 3 0 182 104 56 0 183 34 39 1 184 106 47 0 185 106 76 0 186 105 20 0 187 105 45 0 188 107 76 0 189 108 59 0 190 108 83 0 191 110 10 0 192 110 76 0 193 111 3 0 194 112 10 0 195 112 61 0 196 112 76 0 197 113 47 0 198 113 61 0 199 113 76 0 200 114 77 0 201 114 9 0 202 116 20 0 203 117 19 0 204 117 6 0 205 118 9 0 206 118 77 0 207 119 16 0 208 120 34 0 209 120 20 0 210 121 16 0 211 121 51 0 212 121 92 1 213 122 104 0 214 122 44 0 217 123 55 0 218 123 38 0 220 124 6 0 221 124 106 1 222 125 24 0 223 125 55 0 224 125 63 0 225 125 58 0 227 127 55 0 228 127 20 0 229 128 66 0 230 128 10 0 231 128 34 0 232 129 66 0 233 129 76 0 234 131 66 0 235 131 10 0 236 131 39 0 237 132 30 0 240 133 29 0 243 134 93 0 244 135 8 0 245 136 8 0 246 136 76 0 247 138 55 0 248 139 3 0 249 145 55 0 251 143 18 0 252 143 29 0 253 143 44 0 254 141 35 0 256 141 94 0 257 142 9 0 258 144 101 0 259 144 51 0 260 144 14 0 261 140 55 0 262 140 30 0 263 146 9 0 264 146 77 0 265 147 20 0 266 147 18 0 267 158 3 0 268 148 9 0 269 148 77 0 270 149 77 0 271 149 12 0 272 149 51 0 273 149 38 1 274 149 48 1 275 150 42 0 276 150 84 0 277 150 20 0 278 152 12 0 279 152 51 0 280 152 38 1 281 152 48 1 283 153 3 0 284 153 52 0 285 111 52 0 286 136 53 0 287 166 53 0 288 154 12 0 289 154 26 0 290 154 95 1 291 155 91 0 293 156 21 0 294 156 42 0 295 157 104 0 297 157 83 0 299 157 42 0 300 157 26 0 301 157 28 1 302 159 14 0 303 159 34 0 304 159 42 0 305 159 48 1 306 160 55 0 307 160 30 0 308 160 4 0 309 160 83 0 310 161 19 0 311 161 57 0 312 161 20 0 313 162 6 0 314 162 44 0 315 164 42 0 316 164 15 0 317 164 58 0 318 177 9 0 319 177 77 0 320 178 56 0 321 178 73 0 322 178 83 0 323 169 10 0 324 169 51 0 325 169 76 0 326 169 36 1 327 157 97 1 328 169 96 1 329 170 10 0 330 170 76 0 331 170 34 0 332 168 77 0 333 168 9 0 334 171 56 0 335 171 42 0 337 171 34 0 338 167 12 0 339 167 77 0 340 167 39 0 341 172 6 0 342 172 26 0 343 172 42 0 344 172 34 0 345 172 83 0 346 163 6 0 347 163 18 0 348 174 15 0 349 174 93 1 350 174 43 0 351 173 20 0 352 173 42 0 353 173 34 0 354 176 59 0 355 176 83 0 356 181 34 0 357 181 20 0 358 182 14 0 359 183 96 0 360 183 20 0 361 184 18 0 362 185 81 0 364 265 104 0 366 186 86 0 367 186 42 0 368 186 57 0 369 187 30 0 370 187 73 0 371 187 24 0 372 188 10 0 373 188 76 0 374 189 9 0 375 189 77 0 376 190 108 0 377 190 42 0 378 190 55 0 379 191 91 0 380 192 3 0 381 193 50 0 382 193 51 0 383 194 104 0 384 194 42 0 386 195 80 0 388 195 98 0 389 23 98 0 390 196 9 0 391 198 8 0 392 199 12 0 393 199 96 0 394 224 36 0 395 224 83 0 396 224 20 0 397 202 34 0 398 202 50 0 399 202 7 0 400 267 73 0 401 267 14 0 402 201 3 0 403 226 104 0 404 226 42 0 406 203 15 0 407 203 92 0 408 203 14 0 409 200 61 0 410 200 20 0 411 200 90 0 412 204 16 0 413 206 6 0 414 206 15 1 415 206 51 0 416 206 93 0 417 207 46 0 419 210 8 0 420 210 76 0 421 211 60 0 422 211 14 0 423 230 10 0 424 230 50 0 425 230 51 0 426 230 15 1 427 213 10 0 428 213 51 0 429 213 50 0 430 218 42 0 431 218 30 0 432 218 83 0 433 214 42 0 434 214 20 0 435 215 47 0 436 215 76 0 437 215 61 0 438 217 108 0 439 217 83 0 440 209 91 0 441 212 95 0 442 212 20 0 443 216 15 0 444 219 66 0 445 219 10 0 446 219 51 0 447 219 93 1 448 221 35 0 449 221 92 0 450 221 7 0 451 222 91 0 452 222 24 1 453 222 63 1 454 223 30 0 455 223 42 0 456 223 83 0 457 229 12 0 458 229 96 0 459 229 99 0 460 228 6 0 461 228 83 0 462 228 42 0 463 234 6 0 464 234 83 0 465 234 106 1 466 231 59 0 467 232 101 0 468 232 72 0 469 233 47 0 470 233 76 0 471 235 14 0 472 235 55 0 473 236 66 0 474 236 10 0 475 236 93 0 476 236 42 0 477 236 34 0 478 237 30 0 479 237 83 0 480 238 6 0 481 22 104 0 483 63 108 0 484 79 59 0 485 79 83 0 486 88 6 0 487 88 83 0 488 166 8 0 489 166 76 0 490 227 104 0 492 239 35 0 493 239 55 0 494 239 92 1 495 239 36 0 496 239 100 0 497 208 100 0 498 241 29 0 501 243 101 0 504 243 14 0 505 245 30 0 506 245 83 0 507 247 34 0 508 247 20 0 509 247 18 0 510 248 18 0 511 240 60 0 512 240 89 1 513 246 91 0 514 249 104 0 516 249 51 0 517 249 42 0 518 249 83 0 519 251 6 0 520 251 20 0 521 251 24 0 522 251 58 0 523 251 34 0 524 252 3 0 525 250 3 0 526 250 6 0 527 253 15 0 528 253 16 0 529 253 83 0 530 253 57 0 531 254 20 0 532 254 102 0 533 254 89 0 534 255 29 0 535 256 14 0 536 256 79 0 537 256 6 0 538 258 14 0 539 258 6 0 540 258 83 0 541 258 60 0 542 260 108 0 543 260 83 0 544 259 72 0 545 259 71 0 547 259 93 1 548 261 47 0 549 261 34 0 550 261 42 0 551 262 21 0 552 262 26 0 553 262 42 0 554 257 29 1 555 257 38 0 557 257 20 0 558 257 96 0 559 257 89 0 560 257 106 1 561 264 50 0 562 264 82 0 563 266 104 0 564 266 18 0 566 268 8 0 567 268 76 0 568 269 8 0 569 270 7 0 570 270 38 0 571 272 104 0 572 272 24 1 574 272 42 0 575 272 83 0 576 4 92 1 577 4 15 0 578 4 58 0 579 4 34 0 580 4 93 1 581 6 36 0 582 6 83 0 583 6 38 0 584 6 106 1 585 6 89 1 586 12 94 0 587 12 96 0 588 12 89 1 589 12 34 0 590 12 20 0 591 121 93 1 592 180 78 0 593 180 34 0 594 180 6 0 595 180 89 1 596 180 83 0 597 152 23 1 598 202 57 0 603 2 42 0 604 2 90 0 605 2 34 0 606 7 36 0 607 8 112 1 608 8 23 1 609 8 7 1 610 8 86 1 611 9 23 1 612 9 63 1 613 12 107 0 614 14 14 0 615 16 44 0 616 26 113 1 618 15 34 0 619 15 83 0 621 19 91 0 622 19 23 1 623 19 109 1 624 19 63 1 625 21 63 1 626 21 23 1 627 25 58 0 628 26 38 1 629 26 23 1 630 26 89 1 631 26 96 1 632 26 110 1 633 26 106 1 634 27 110 1 635 27 34 0 636 27 89 1 637 27 63 1 638 27 114 1 639 27 39 1 640 27 35 0 641 27 115 1 642 26 115 1 643 7 115 0 644 21 115 1 645 19 116 1 647 29 58 0 648 30 36 0 649 31 6 0 650 32 112 1 651 32 102 0 653 32 20 0 654 33 106 0 655 35 96 1 656 35 107 1 657 35 114 1 658 35 113 1 659 38 34 0 660 38 83 0 661 38 16 0 662 39 114 1 663 39 112 1 664 39 116 1 665 40 7 0 666 43 48 0 667 44 50 0 668 44 34 0 669 44 96 0 672 45 34 0 673 45 58 0 674 48 29 0 675 49 14 0 676 50 44 0 677 50 34 0 678 50 78 0 679 50 49 0 680 51 20 0 681 51 34 0 682 54 44 0 683 55 102 0 684 55 96 0 685 55 20 0 686 58 118 0 687 238 118 0 688 59 93 1 689 59 18 1 690 59 23 1 691 59 6 1 692 60 119 0 693 194 119 0 694 61 109 1 695 61 42 1 696 61 63 1 697 61 92 1 698 61 48 1 699 61 23 1 700 62 20 0 701 66 34 0 702 66 58 0 703 66 42 1 704 67 57 0 705 68 38 1 706 68 115 1 707 68 113 1 708 68 79 1 709 68 106 1 710 69 38 0 711 70 110 1 712 70 96 1 713 70 36 1 714 70 115 1 715 70 113 1 716 70 89 1 717 70 34 0 718 72 43 1 719 72 110 1 720 72 39 1 721 76 100 0 722 77 20 0 723 78 23 1 724 78 63 1 725 78 109 1 726 80 20 0 727 81 15 1 728 81 92 1 729 81 24 1 730 81 39 1 731 83 114 1 732 83 90 1 733 83 76 0 735 86 14 0 736 86 7 0 737 86 42 0 738 86 96 0 739 89 6 0 740 95 50 0 741 97 115 1 742 97 63 1 743 97 20 0 744 98 110 1 745 99 58 0 746 100 101 0 747 102 100 0 749 104 44 0 750 104 73 0 751 105 42 1 752 106 42 0 754 109 101 0 755 109 20 0 756 110 34 0 757 110 100 0 758 112 90 1 759 112 83 0 760 113 42 0 762 115 20 0 763 115 34 0 765 115 94 0 767 115 61 0 768 116 114 0 769 117 20 0 770 119 88 0 771 119 57 0 772 123 20 0 773 124 83 0 774 124 50 0 775 126 6 0 776 127 87 0 777 130 3 0 779 131 76 0 780 132 14 0 781 132 106 0 782 134 14 0 783 138 20 0 784 138 34 0 785 138 100 0 786 139 58 0 787 140 100 0 789 144 109 1 790 144 83 0 791 145 10 0 792 147 42 0 793 149 89 1 794 149 63 1 795 154 116 1 796 155 15 1 797 155 114 1 798 159 26 0 799 160 34 0 800 161 34 0 801 163 42 0 802 165 36 0 803 165 35 0 804 169 110 1 805 169 115 1 806 174 114 1 807 175 34 0 808 175 24 0 809 175 20 0 810 175 4 0 811 178 42 0 812 179 34 0 813 179 113 1 814 179 20 0 815 179 100 0 816 179 106 1 817 181 58 0 818 182 90 1 819 182 58 0 820 183 34 0 821 184 42 0 822 187 42 0 823 188 34 0 824 188 42 0 825 188 89 1 826 188 96 1 827 188 110 1 828 190 100 0 829 193 34 0 830 193 87 1 831 205 34 0 832 205 20 0 833 207 42 0 834 209 23 1 835 209 112 1 836 211 42 0 837 213 63 1 838 213 43 1 839 213 115 1 840 215 42 0 841 218 14 0 842 219 87 1 843 219 7 1 844 219 112 1 845 219 86 1 846 219 92 1 848 220 34 0 849 220 20 0 850 220 42 0 851 220 39 1 852 220 36 0 853 222 115 1 855 224 100 0 856 229 84 1 857 233 42 0 858 234 20 0 859 235 34 0 860 235 100 0 861 240 42 0 862 242 56 0 863 242 42 0 864 242 83 0 865 247 42 0 866 248 42 0 867 249 96 1 869 250 58 0 870 258 42 0 871 259 51 0 872 266 42 0 873 271 20 0 874 98 97 1 875 44 83 0 (806 row(s) affected) ID RegionID RegionID_Parent 1 4 253 2 71 253 3 100 253 4 116 253 5 121 253 6 174 253 7 203 253 8 204 253 9 264 253 10 105 49 11 137 49 12 6 255 13 20 161 14 43 161 15 63 161 16 64 161 17 84 161 18 90 161 19 93 161 20 107 161 21 108 161 22 118 161 23 136 161 24 166 161 25 176 161 26 192 161 27 193 161 28 219 161 29 248 161 30 253 161 31 255 161 32 5 183 33 111 183 34 112 183 35 113 183 36 126 183 37 130 183 38 168 183 39 195 183 40 200 183 41 250 183 42 261 183 232 19 253 233 34 253 234 39 253 235 235 49 237 9 253 238 14 166 240 21 253 243 50 16 244 52 178 245 54 NULL 246 61 253 247 78 253 248 79 64 249 83 84 250 85 84 251 86 84 252 92 253 253 95 64 254 96 NULL 255 97 255 256 104 NULL 257 146 84 258 148 NULL 259 151 255 260 155 253 261 164 166 262 167 16 263 171 178 264 173 255 265 177 NULL 266 191 253 267 194 255 268 197 NULL 269 209 253 270 222 253 271 225 84 272 242 178 273 244 NULL 274 246 253 275 257 255 276 263 84 (83 row(s) affected) ID CategoryID CategoryID_Parent TreeLevel Key ParentKey 3 42 19 2 cat.2.3.19 cat.1.19.0 4 43 19 2 cat.2.4.19 cat.1.19.0 5 21 19 2 cat.2.5.19 cat.1.19.0 6 44 19 2 cat.2.6.19 cat.1.19.0 7 18 19 2 cat.2.7.19 cat.1.19.0 10 29 42 3 cat.3.10.3 cat.2.3.19 14 24 23 2 cat.2.14.23 cat.1.23.0 15 22 20 2 cat.2.15.20 cat.1.20.0 16 21 20 2 cat.2.16.20 cat.1.20.0 19 16 15 2 cat.2.19.15 cat.1.15.0 21 16 30 2 cat.2.21.30 cat.1.30.0 25 9 7 3 cat.3.25.77 cat.2.77.4 26 12 20 2 cat.2.26.20 cat.1.20.0 28 28 27 2 cat.2.28.27 cat.1.27.0 29 13 11 2 cat.2.29.11 cat.1.11.0 30 8 6 3 cat.3.30.76 cat.2.76.4 31 8 11 2 cat.2.31.11 cat.1.11.0 32 9 11 2 cat.2.32.11 cat.1.11.0 74 49 50 2 cat.2.74.50 cat.1.50.0 75 29 14 2 cat.2.75.14 cat.1.14.0 76 6 4 2 cat.2.76.4 cat.1.4.0 77 7 4 2 cat.2.77.4 cat.1.4.0 78 29 6 3 cat.3.78.76 cat.2.76.4 79 12 9 4 cat.4.79.32 cat.3.25.77 82 59 15 2 cat.2.82.15 cat.1.15.0 83 73 15 2 cat.2.83.15 cat.1.15.0 90 45 19 2 cat.2.90.19 cat.1.19.0 91 46 19 2 cat.2.91.19 cat.1.19.0 92 47 19 2 cat.2.92.19 cat.1.19.0 93 60 19 2 cat.2.93.19 cat.1.19.0 99 10 11 2 cat.2.99.11 cat.1.11.0 100 12 11 2 cat.2.100.11 cat.1.11.0 102 46 11 2 cat.2.102.11 cat.1.11.0 103 47 11 2 cat.2.103.11 cat.1.11.0 104 66 11 2 cat.2.104.11 cat.1.11.0 106 46 9 4 cat.4.106.32 cat.3.25.77 110 10 8 4 cat.4.110.31 cat.3.30.76 111 47 8 4 cat.4.111.31 cat.3.30.76 112 66 8 4 cat.4.112.31 cat.3.30.76 127 60 18 3 cat.3.127.172 cat.2.172.94 138 49 30 2 cat.2.138.30 cat.1.30.0 139 22 51 2 cat.2.139.51 cat.1.51.0 140 62 51 2 cat.2.140.51 cat.1.51.0 141 73 64 2 cat.2.141.64 cat.1.64.0 147 38 24 3 cat.3.147.14 cat.2.14.23 148 76 75 3 cat.3.148.162 cat.2.162.11 149 77 75 3 cat.3.149.162 cat.2.162.11 162 75 11 2 cat.2.162.11 cat.1.11.0 163 76 11 2 cat.2.163.11 cat.1.11.0 164 77 11 2 cat.2.164.11 cat.1.11.0 165 82 23 2 cat.2.165.23 cat.1.23.0 166 83 4 2 cat.2.166.4 cat.1.4.0 167 56 14 2 cat.2.167.14 cat.1.14.0 168 89 48 2 cat.2.168.48 cat.1.48.0 169 90 27 2 cat.2.169.27 cat.1.27.0 170 91 56 3 cat.3.170.191 cat.2.191.57 171 92 23 2 cat.2.171.23 cat.1.23.0 172 18 94 2 cat.2.172.94 cat.1.94.0 173 95 34 2 cat.2.173.34 cat.1.34.0 174 96 25 2 cat.2.174.25 cat.1.25.0 175 81 34 2 cat.2.175.34 cat.1.34.0 177 61 107 3 cat.3.177.193 cat.2.193.25 178 99 9 4 cat.4.178.32 cat.3.25.77 179 101 15 2 cat.2.179.15 cat.1.15.0 180 102 78 2 cat.2.180.78 cat.1.78.0 181 104 108 3 cat.3.181.194 cat.2.194.36 182 104 6 3 cat.3.182.76 cat.2.76.4 185 39 48 2 cat.2.185.48 cat.1.48.0 186 79 55 2 cat.2.186.55 cat.1.55.0 187 10 20 2 cat.2.187.20 cat.1.20.0 188 88 86 2 cat.2.188.86 cat.1.86.0 190 106 27 2 cat.2.190.27 cat.1.27.0 191 56 57 2 cat.2.191.57 cat.1.57.0 193 107 25 2 cat.2.193.25 cat.1.25.0 194 108 36 2 cat.2.194.36 cat.1.36.0 195 111 25 2 cat.2.195.25 cat.1.25.0 196 110 25 2 cat.2.196.25 cat.1.25.0 197 112 25 2 cat.2.197.25 cat.1.25.0 198 109 25 2 cat.2.198.25 cat.1.25.0 199 91 51 2 cat.2.199.51 cat.1.51.0 200 114 51 2 cat.2.200.51 cat.1.51.0 201 115 51 2 cat.2.201.51 cat.1.51.0 202 116 51 2 cat.2.202.51 cat.1.51.0 204 102 34 2 cat.2.204.34 cat.1.34.0 206 104 58 2 cat.2.206.58 cat.1.58.0 207 122 120 2 cat.2.207.120 cat.1.120.0 208 121 120 2 cat.2.208.120 cat.1.120.0 209 52 124 2 cat.2.209.124 cat.1.124.0 210 118 123 2 cat.2.210.123 cat.1.123.0 211 53 124 2 cat.2.211.124 cat.1.124.0 212 119 123 2 cat.2.212.123 cat.1.123.0 213 81 125 2 cat.2.213.125 cat.1.125.0 214 98 126 2 cat.2.214.126 cat.1.126.0 (93 row(s) affected) RegionID RegionCode RegionName FormalName LocalName LocalFormalName RegionTypeID GeoLocationID GeoLocationSectionID AlphaGroupID SortKey FlagType RatioNumer RatioDenom GeometryTypeID AdoptionDate AdoptionDatePrecision AdoptionDateApprox AdoptionDateRangeID WFDImageFilename ISO31661_A2 ISO31661_A3 ISO31661_N FOTWPage HTMLClassID HTMLStripeNum HTMLStripeOrient HTMLChargeTypeID HTMLHasStars HTMLSpecComplexity HTMLSpecImageFilename 1 AFGH Afghanistan Islamic State of Afghanistan Afghanestan Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan 9 NULL 4 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 NULL NULL 0 11 NULL AF AFG 004 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 2 AGLA Angola Republic of Angola Angola República de Angola 9 NULL 20 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1975-11-11 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AO AGO 024 NULL 4 2 H 3 0 3 3 ALBA Albania Republic of Albania Shqipëria Republika e Shqipërisë 9 NULL 7 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1992-04-07 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AL ALB 008 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 4 ALDE Alderney Alderney Alderney Alderney 3 NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL gg.html#alderney NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 5 ALGE Algeria Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Al Jaza'ir Al Jumhuriyah al Jaza'iriyah ad Dimuqratiyah ash Shabiyah 9 NULL 21 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1962-07-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL DZ DZA 012 NULL 4 2 V 3 0 3 6 AMSA American Samoa Territory of American Samoa American Samoa Territory of American Samoa 8 NULL 27 1 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL AS ASM 016 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 7 ANBA Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda 9 NULL 16 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1967-02-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AG ATG 028 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 8 ANDR Andorra Principality of Andorra Andorra Principat d'Andorra 9 NULL 15 1 NULL National Flag 7 10 3 1866-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 1 4 NULL AD AND 020 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 3 9 ANGU Anguilla British Overseas Territory of Anguilla Anguilla British Overseas Territory of Anguilla 8 NULL 16 1 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL AI AIA 660 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 10 ANTA Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica 7 8 NULL 1 NULL Symbolic Flag 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL AQ ATA 010 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 11 ARGE Argentina Argentine Republic Argentina República Argentina 9 NULL 2 1 NULL State Flag 1 2 3 1812-02-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL AR ARG 032 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 12 ARLE Arab League League of Arab States Arab League League of Arab States 5 NULL 18 1 NULL NULL 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-las.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 13 ARME Armenia Republic of Armenia Hayastan Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun 9 NULL 15 1 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1990-08-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AM ARM 051 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 14 ARUB Aruba Aruba Aruba Aruba 8 NULL 27 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL AW ABW 533 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 15 ASEA ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations 5 NULL 5 1 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-asea.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 16 ASTL Australia Commonwealth of Australia Australia Commonwealth of Australia 9 NULL 34 1 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1909-05-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL AU AUS 036 NULL 6 NULL NULL 1 0 3 17 AUST Austria Republic of Austria Österreich Republik österreich 9 NULL 17 1 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1945-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL AT AUT 040 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 18 AZER Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Republic Azerbaijan Azarbaycan Respublikasi 9 NULL 15 1 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1991-02-05 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AZ AZE 031 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 NULL 19 BANT British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory British Antarctic Territory 8 8 NULL 2 NULL National Flag & Courtesy Ensign 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL gb-bat.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 20 BELG Belgium Kingdom of Belgium België / Belgique Koninkrijk België / Royaume de Belgique 9 NULL 10 2 NULL National Flag 13 15 1 1831-01-23 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL BE BEL 056 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 21 BERM Bermuda British Overseas Territory of Bermuda Bermuda British Overseas Territory of Bermuda 8 NULL 26 2 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL BM BMU 060 NULL 6 NULL NULL 1 0 2 NULL 22 BHMS The Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas The Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas 9 NULL 16 2 Bahamas National Flag 1 2 1 1973-07-10 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BS BHS 044 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 1 NULL 23 BHRN Bahrain Kingdom of Bahrain Al Bahrayn Al Mamlakah al Bahrayn 9 NULL 18 2 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 NULL NULL 0 11 NULL BH BHR 048 NULL 4 2 V 3 0 3 24 BHUT Bhután Kingdom of Bhután Druk Yul Druk Yul 9 NULL 5 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1965-01-01 00:00:00.000 3 1 6 NULL BT BTN 064 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 25 BLRU Belarus Republic of Belarus Belarus Respublika Belarus' 9 NULL 7 2 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1995-05-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BY BLR 112 NULL 4 2 H 3 0 3 NULL 26 BLVA Bolivia Republic of Bolivia Bolivia República de Bolivia 9 NULL 2 2 NULL State Flag 2 3 3 1851-11-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL BO BOL 068 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 27 BLZE Belize Belize Belize Belize 9 NULL 3 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1981-09-21 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BZ BLZ 084 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 2 NULL 28 BNGL Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh Bangladesh Gana Praja-tantri Bangladesh 9 NULL 5 2 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1972-01-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BD BGD 050 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 29 BNIN Benin Republic of Benin Benin République du Benin 9 NULL 22 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-11-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BJ BEN 204 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 3 30 BOHE Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina 9 NULL 19 2 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1992-05-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BA BIH 070 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 31 BOTS Botswana Republic of Botswana Botswana Republic of Botswana 9 NULL 20 2 NULL National Flag 5 8 1 1966-09-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BW BWA 072 NULL 4 5 H 1 0 3 32 BRAZ Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil Brasil República Federativa do Brasil 9 NULL 2 2 NULL National Flag 7 10 3 1889-11-15 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL BR BRA 076 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 33 BRBD Barbados Barbados Barbados Barbados 9 NULL 16 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1966-11-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BB BRB 052 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 34 BRIN British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory 8 NULL 25 2 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL IO IOT 086 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 35 BRUN Brunei Brunei Darussalam Brunei Negara Brunei Darussalam 9 NULL 5 2 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1959-09-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BN BRN 096 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 3 36 BUFA Burkina Faso Republic of Burkina Burkina Faso République de Burkina 9 NULL 22 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1984-08-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BF BFA 854 NULL 4 2 H 3 0 3 37 BULG Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria Bulgaria Republika Bulgaria 9 NULL 19 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1990-11-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BG BGR 100 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 38 BURU Burundi Republic of Burundi Burundi Republika y'u Burundi 9 NULL 8 2 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1967-06-28 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL BI BDI 108 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 39 BVIS British Virgin Islands Overseas Territory of the British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Overseas Territory of the British Virgin Islands 8 NULL 16 2 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL VG VGB 092 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 40 CAFR Central African Republic Central African Republic République Centrafricaine République Centrafricaine 9 NULL 8 3 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1958-12-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CF CAF 140 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 2 NULL 41 CAMB Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia Kampuchea Reacheanachak Kampuchea 9 NULL 5 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1993-06-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KH KHM 116 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 2 NULL 42 CAME Cameroon Republic of Cameroon Cameroun République du Cameroun 9 NULL 8 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1975-05-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CM CMR 120 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 43 CANA Canada Dominion of Canada Canada Dominion of Canada 9 NULL 1 3 NULL National Flag "The Maple Leaf" 1 2 3 1965-02-15 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CA CAN 124 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 2 NULL 44 CARI CARICOM Caribbean Community CARICOM Caribbean Community 5 NULL 16 3 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-cari.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 45 CAVE Cape Verde Republic of Cape Verde Cabo Verde República de Cabo Verde 9 NULL 26 3 NULL National Flag 3 5 2 1992-02-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CV CPV 132 NULL 4 5 H 3 1 3 NULL 46 CDIV Côte d'Ivoire Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire République de Côte d'Ivoire 9 NULL 22 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-12-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CI CIV 384 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 47 CHAD Chad Republic of Chad Tchad République du Tchad 9 NULL 8 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-11-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TD TCD 148 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 48 CHIL Chile Republic of Chile Chile República de Chile 9 NULL 2 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1817-10-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL CL CHL 152 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 2 NULL 49 CHIN China People's Republic of China Zhong Guo Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo 9 NULL 24 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1949-10-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL CN CHN 156 NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 1 3 50 CHMS Christmas Island Territory of Christmas Island Christmas Island Territory of Christmas Island 8 NULL NULL 3 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 ASTL0111.GIF CX CXR 162 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 51 CINS CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CIS Commonwealth of Independent States 5 NULL NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 2 3 1992-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL NULL NULL NULL qw-cis.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 52 CKIS Cook Islands Cook Islands Cook Islands Cook Islands 8 NULL 27 3 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL CK COK 184 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 53 CLMB Colombia Republic of Colombia Colombia República de Colombia 9 NULL 2 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1819-12-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL CO COL 170 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 54 COIS Cocos Islands Territory of Cocos Islands Cocos Islands Territory of Cocos Islands 8 NULL NULL 3 NULL Australian National Flag 1 2 2 NULL 3 0 11 ASTL0001.GIF CC CCK 166 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 55 COMN Commonwealth Commonwealth Commonwealth Commonwealth 5 NULL NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL cwn.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 56 COMO Comoros Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros Comores République Fédérale Islamique des Comores 9 NULL 25 3 NULL National Flag 3 5 2 NULL NULL 0 11 NULL KM COM 174 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 57 CONG Congo-Brazzaville Republic of the Congo Congo-Brazzaville République du Congo 9 NULL 8 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-11-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CG COG 178 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 1 NULL 58 CORC Costa Rica Republic of Costa Rica Costa Rica República de Costa Rica 9 NULL 3 3 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1848-09-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL CR CRI 188 NULL 4 5 H 1 0 0 NULL 59 CROA Croatia Republic of Croatia Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska 9 NULL 19 3 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1991-12-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL HR HRV 191 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 2 NULL 60 CUBA Cuba Republic of Cuba Cuba República de Cuba 9 NULL 16 3 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1902-05-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL CU CUB 192 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 61 CYIS Cayman Islands British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands Cayman Islands British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands 8 NULL 16 3 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL KY CYM 136 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 62 CYPR Cyprus Republic of Cyprus Kypros Kypriaki Dimokratia / Kibris Cumhuriyeti 9 NULL 19 3 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1960-08-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL CY CYP 196 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 63 CZEC The Czech Republic The Czech Republic Ceska Republika Ceska Republika 9 NULL 17 3 Czech Republic National Flag 2 3 1 1920-03-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL CZ CZE 203 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 1 NULL 65 DJIB Djibouti Republic of Djibouti Djibouti Jumhouriyya Djibouti 9 NULL 23 4 NULL National Flag 4 7 1 1977-06-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL DJ DJI 262 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 66 DOMN Dominica Commonwealth of Dominica Dominica Commonwealth of Dominica 9 NULL 16 4 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1978-11-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL DM DMA 212 NULL 2 NULL NULL 3 0 2 NULL 67 DORE Dominican Republic Dominican Republic República Dominicana República Dominicana 9 NULL 16 4 NULL National Flag 5 8 1 1844-11-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL DO DOM 214 NULL 2 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 68 ECUA Ecuador Republic of Ecuador Ecuador República del Ecuador 9 NULL 2 4 NULL State Flag 1 2 3 1860-09-26 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL EC ECU 218 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 1 NULL 69 EGYP Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt Misr Jumhuriyat Misr al Arabiyah 9 NULL 21 4 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1984-10-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL EG EGY 818 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 70 ELSA El Salvador Republic of El Salvador El Salvador República de El Salvador 9 NULL 3 4 NULL State Flag 4 7 3 1912-05-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL SV SLV 222 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 72 EQGU Equatorial Guinea Republic of Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial República de Guinea Ecuatorial 9 NULL 8 4 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1968-10-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GQ GNQ 226 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 73 ERIT Eritrea State of Eritrea Eritrea State of Eritrea 9 NULL 23 4 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1993-05-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ER ERI 232 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 74 ESTN Estonia Republic of Estonia Eesti Eesti Vabariik 9 NULL 28 4 NULL National Flag 7 11 1 1990-05-08 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL EE EST 233 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 75 ETHP Ethiopia Ethiopia Ityo'pia Ityo'pia 9 NULL 23 4 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1996-02-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ET ETH 231 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 1 NULL 76 ETIM East Timor East Timor Timor Leste Timor Leste 9 NULL 5 4 NULL National Flag NULL NULL 1 2002-05-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 7 NULL TL TLS 626 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 77 EUUN European Union European Union European Union European Union 5 2 NULL 4 NULL NULL 2 3 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL eu-eun.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 78 FAIS Falkland Islands British Overseas Territory of the Falkland Islands Falkland Islands British Overseas Territory of the Falkland Islands 8 NULL 26 4 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL FK FLK 238 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 79 FARS The Faröes The Faröe Islands Føroyar Føroyar 8 NULL 26 4 Faröes Territory Flag 8 11 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL FO FRO 234 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 80 FIAV FIAV International Federation of Vexillological Associations FIAV Fédération Internationale des Associations Vexillologique 6 7 NULL 4 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 81 FIJI Fiji Republic of Fiji Fiji Matanitu Ko Viti 9 NULL 27 4 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1970-10-10 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL FJ FJI 242 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 82 FINL Finland Republic of Finland Suomi / Finland Suomen Tasavalta / Republiken Finland 9 NULL 6 4 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1918-05-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL FI FIN 246 NULL 2 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 83 FPOL French Polynesia Territory of French Polynesia Polynesie Française Territoire de la Polynesie Française 8 NULL 27 4 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL PF PYF 258 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 84 FRAN France French Republic France République Française 9 NULL 29 4 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1794-02-15 00:00:00.000 3 0 2 NULL FR FRA 250 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 85 FRGU French Guiana Overseas Department of French Guiana Guyane Française Département d'Outre-Mer de Guyane Française 8 NULL NULL 4 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 FRAN0001.GIF GF GUF 254 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 87 GABN Gabon Gabonese Republic Gabon République Gabonaise 9 NULL 8 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1960-08-09 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GA GAB 266 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 115 ISCO Islamic Conference Organization of the Islamic Conference Islamic Conference Organization of the Islamic Conference 5 NULL 18 6 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-oic.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 86 FSAT French Southern & Antarctic Lands Territory of the French Southern & Antarctic Lands Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises Territoire des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises 8 NULL NULL 4 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL TF ATF 260 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 88 GAMB The Gambia Republic of the Gambia The Gambia Republic of the Gambia 9 NULL 22 5 Gambia National Flag 2 3 1 1965-02-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GM GMB 270 NULL 4 5 H 1 0 3 89 GEOR Georgia Republic of Georgia Sak'art'velo Sak'art'velos Respublika 9 NULL 15 5 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1990-11-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GE GEO 268 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 90 GERM Germany Federal Republic of Germany Deutschland Bundesrepublik Deutschland 9 NULL 6 5 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1949-05-23 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL DE DEU 276 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 91 GHAN Ghana Republic of Ghana Ghana Republic of Ghana 9 NULL 22 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1957-03-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GH GHA 288 NULL 4 3 H 1 1 0 NULL 92 GIBR Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar 8 NULL 31 5 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL GI GIB 292 NULL 4 2 H 3 0 3 93 GREC Greece Hellenic Republic Ellás Elliniki Dhimokratia 9 NULL 19 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1822-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 3 NULL GR GRC 300 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 94 GREN Grenada State of Grenada Grenada State of Grenada 9 NULL 16 5 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1974-02-07 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GD GRD 308 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 95 GRLD Greenland Self-Governing Territory of Greenland Grønland/Kalaallit Nunaat Grønland/Kalaallit Nunaat 8 NULL 26 5 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL GL GRL 304 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 96 GUAD Guadeloupe Overseas Department of Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Département d'Outre-Mer de la Guadeloupe 8 NULL NULL 5 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 FRAN0001.GIF GP GLP 312 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 97 GUAM Guam Territory of Guam Guam Territory of Guam 8 NULL 27 5 NULL Territory Flag 10 19 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL GU GUM 316 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 98 GUAT Guatemala Republic of Guatemala Guatemala República de Guatemala 9 NULL 3 5 NULL National Flag & Naval Ensign 5 8 3 1871-08-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL GT GTM 320 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 99 GUBA Guinea-Bissau Republic of Guinea-Bissau Guiné-Bissau República de Guiné-Bissau 9 NULL 22 5 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1973-09-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GW GNB 624 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 3 100 GUER Guernsey The Bailiwick of Guernsey Guernsey The Bailiwick of Guernsey 3 NULL 10 5 NULL NULL 2 3 2 1985-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL GG GGY 831 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 101 GUIN Guinea Republic of Guinea Guinée République de Guinée 9 NULL 22 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1958-11-10 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GN GIN 324 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 102 GUYA Guyana Co-operative Republic of Guyana Guyana Co-operative Republic of Guyana 9 NULL 2 5 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1966-05-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL GY GUY 328 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 NULL 103 HAIT Haiti Republic of Haiti Haiti République d'Haiti 9 NULL 16 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1803-05-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL HT HTI 332 NULL 4 2 H 1 0 0 NULL 104 HMCD Heard & McDonald Islands Territory of Heard & McDonald Islands Heard & McDonald Islands Territory of Heard & McDonald Islands 8 NULL NULL 5 NULL Australian National Flag 1 2 2 NULL 3 0 11 ASTL0001.GIF HM HMD 334 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 105 HOKN Hong Kong Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Hong Kong Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1 NULL 24 5 NULL Regional Flag 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 CHIN0100.GIF HK HKG 344 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 106 HOND Honduras Republic of Honduras Honduras República de Honduras 9 NULL 3 5 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1866-02-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL HN HND 340 NULL 4 3 H 1 1 3 107 HUNG Hungary Republic of Hungary Magyarország Magyar Köztársaság 9 NULL 17 5 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1957-10-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL HU HUN 348 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 108 ICEL Iceland Republic of Iceland Ísland Lydveldid Ísland 9 NULL 6 6 NULL National Flag 5 7 1 1915-06-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL IS ISL 352 NULL 2 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 109 ICRC Red Cross International Committee of the Red Cross Red Cross International Committee of the Red Cross 6 7 NULL 10 NULL NULL 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-icrc.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 110 INDA India Republic of India Bharat Bharat 9 NULL 30 6 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1947-07-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL IN IND 356 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 111 INDN Indonesia Republic of Indonesia Indonesia Republik Indonesia 9 NULL 5 6 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1945-08-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL ID IDN 360 NULL 4 2 H 1 0 0 NULL 112 IRAN Irân Islamic Republic of Irân Irân Jomhuri-ye Eslami-ye Irân 9 NULL 18 6 NULL National Flag 4 7 3 1980-07-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL IR IRN 364 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 3 113 IRAQ Iraq Republic of Iraq Al 'Iraq Al Jumhuriyah al 'Iraqiyah 9 NULL 18 6 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1991-01-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL IQ IRQ 368 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 114 IREL Ireland Republic of Ireland Éire Poblacht na héireann 9 NULL 10 6 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1919-01-21 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL IE IRL 372 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 116 ISMA Isle of Man Isle of Man Mannin Mannin 3 NULL 10 6 NULL NULL 1 2 3 1968-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL IM IMN 833 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 117 ISRA Israel State of Israel Yisrael Medinat Yisrael 9 NULL 18 6 NULL National Flag 8 11 2 1948-10-28 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL IL ISR 376 NULL 4 5 H 2 0 3 118 ITAL Italy Italian Republic Italia Repubblica Italiana 9 NULL 31 6 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1946-06-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL IT ITA 380 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 119 JAMA Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica 9 NULL 16 6 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1962-08-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL JM JAM 388 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 1 NULL 120 JAPA Japan Japan Nihon Nihon Koku 9 NULL 24 6 NULL National Flag 7 10 1 1870-01-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL JP JPN 392 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 121 JERS Jersey The Bailiwick of Jersey Jersey The Bailiwick of Jersey 3 NULL 10 6 NULL NULL 3 5 3 1981-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL JE JEY 832 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 122 JORD Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Al 'Urdun Al Mamlakah al Urduniyah al Hashimiyah 9 NULL 18 6 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1928-04-26 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL JO JOR 400 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 123 KAZK Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan Qazaqstan Qazaqstan Respublikasy 9 NULL 4 6 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1992-06-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KZ KAZ 398 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 124 KENY Kenya Republic of Kenya Kenya Jamhuri ya Kenya 9 NULL 23 6 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1963-12-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KE KEN 404 NULL 4 5 H 3 0 3 125 KIRB Kiribati Republic of Kiribati Kiribati Republic of Kiribati 9 NULL 27 6 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1979-07-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KI KIR 296 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 126 KUWA Kuwait State of Kuwait Al Kuwayt Dawlat al Kuwayt 9 NULL 18 6 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1961-09-07 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KW KWT 414 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 127 KYRG Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Respublikasy 9 NULL 4 6 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1992-03-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KG KGZ 417 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 128 LAOS Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao 9 NULL 5 7 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1975-12-02 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LA LAO 418 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 129 LATV Latvia Republic of Latvia Latvija Latvijas Republika 9 NULL 32 7 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1990-02-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LV LVA 428 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 130 LBYA Libya Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libiyah Al Jamahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah 9 NULL 21 7 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1977-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL LY LBY 434 NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 131 LEBA Lebanon Lebanese Republic Lubnan Al Jumhuriyah al Lubnaniyah 9 NULL 18 7 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1943-12-07 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL LB LBN 422 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 132 LEST Lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho Lesotho 'Muso oa Lesotho 9 NULL 20 7 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1987-01-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LS LSO 426 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 133 LIBE Liberia Republic of Liberia Liberia Republic of Liberia 9 NULL 22 7 NULL National Flag 10 19 1 1847-07-26 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL LR LBR 430 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 1 NULL 134 LIEC Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Fürstentum Liechtenstein 9 NULL 19 7 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1937-06-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL LI LIE 438 NULL 4 2 H 2 0 2 NULL 135 LITH Lithuania Republic of Lithuania Lietuva Lietuvos Respublika 9 NULL 28 7 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1989-03-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LT LTU 440 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 136 LUXE Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luxembourg Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 9 NULL 28 7 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1848-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 3 NULL LU LUX 442 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 137 MACA Macao Macao Special Administrative Region Macao Macao Special Adminstrative Region 1 NULL 24 8 NULL Regional Flag NULL NULL 1 NULL 3 0 11 CHIN0101.GIF MO MAC 446 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 138 MACE Macedonia Republic of Macedonia Makedonija Republika Makedonija 9 NULL 19 8 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1995-10-05 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MK MKD 807 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 139 MADA Madagascar Republic of Madagascar Madagaskar Repoblika n'i Madagascar 9 NULL 25 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1958-10-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MG MDG 450 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 140 MAIS Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands 9 NULL 27 8 NULL National Flag 10 19 2 1979-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MH MHL 584 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 141 MALD Maldives Republic of Maldives Maldives Divehi Jumhuriya 9 NULL 25 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1965-07-26 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MV MDV 462 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 142 MALI Mali Republic of Mali Mali République de Mali 9 NULL 22 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1961-03-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ML MLI 466 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 143 MALS Malaysia Federation of Malaysia Malaysia Persekutuan Malaysia 9 NULL 5 8 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1963-09-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MY MYS 458 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 144 MALT Malta Republic of Malta Malta Repubblika Ta'Malta 9 NULL 31 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1964-09-21 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MT MLT 470 NULL 4 2 V 2 0 3 145 MALW Malawi Republic of Malawi Malawi Dziko La Malawi 9 NULL 33 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1964-07-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MW MWI 454 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 146 MART Martinique Overseas Department of Martinique Martinique Département d'Outre-Mer de la Martinique 8 NULL NULL 8 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL MQ MTQ 474 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 147 MAUR Mauritania Islamic Republic of Mauritania Mauritanie Al Jumhuriyah al Islamiyah al Muritaniyah 9 NULL 22 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-04-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MR MRT 478 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 148 MAYT Mayotte Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte Mayotte Collectivité Territoriale de Mayotte 8 NULL NULL 8 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 FRAN0001.GIF YT MYT 175 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 149 MEXC México United Mexican States México Estados Unidos Mexicanos 9 NULL 3 8 NULL National Flag 4 7 3 1821-11-02 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL MX MEX 484 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 150 MICR Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia 9 NULL 27 8 NULL Federation Flag 10 19 1 1978-11-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL FM FSM 583 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 151 MIIS Midway Islands Midway Islands Midway Islands Midway Islands 8 NULL 27 8 NULL United States National Flag 10 19 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL um-midwy.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 152 MOLD Moldova Republic of Moldova Moldova Republica Moldova 9 NULL 19 8 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1990-05-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MD MDA 498 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 3 153 MONA Monaco Principality of Monaco Monaco Principauté de Monaco 9 NULL 31 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1881-04-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL MC MCO 492 NULL 4 2 H 1 0 0 NULL 154 MONG Mongolia Republic of Mongolia Mongol Uls Mongol Uls 9 NULL 24 8 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1940-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 5 NULL MN MNG 496 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 3 NULL 155 MONT Montserrat British Overseas Territory of Montserrat Montserrat British Overseas Territory of Montserrat 8 NULL 16 8 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL MS MSR 500 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 156 MORC Morocco Kingdom of Morocco Al Maghrib Al Mamlakah al Maghribiyah 9 NULL 21 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1915-11-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL MA MAR 504 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 157 MOZA Mozambique Republic of Mozambique Moçambique República de Moçambique 9 NULL 20 8 NULL National Flag 5 8 3 1983-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MZ MOZ 508 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 158 MRTS Mauritius Republic of Mauritius Mauritius Republic of Mauritius 9 NULL 25 8 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1968-01-09 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MU MUS 480 NULL 4 4 H 1 0 0 NULL 159 MYAN Myanmar Union of Myanmar Myanmar Pyidaungsu Myanma Naingngandaw 9 NULL 5 8 NULL National Flag 6 11 3 1974-01-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL MM MMR 104 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 160 NAMB Namibia Republic of Namibia Namibia Republic of Namibia 9 NULL 20 9 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1990-03-21 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL NA NAM 516 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 0 3 161 NATO NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 5 7 NULL 9 NULL NULL 2 3 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL nato.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 162 NAUR Nauru Republic of Nauru Naoero Naoero 9 NULL 27 9 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1968-01-31 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL NR NRU 520 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 163 NCYP Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Kibris Kuzey Kibris Türk Cumhuriyeti 4 NULL 19 9 NULL NULL 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL cy-trnc.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 164 NEAN Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles Nederlandse Antillen Nederlandse Antillen 8 NULL 16 9 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL AN ANT 530 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 165 NEPA Nepal Kingdom of Nepal Nepala Sri Nepala Sarkar 9 NULL 30 9 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1962-12-16 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL NP NPL 524 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 NULL 166 NETH The Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands Nederland Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 9 NULL 10 9 Netherlands National Flag 2 3 1 1937-02-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL NL NLD 528 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 167 NFIS Norfolk Island Territory of Norfolk Island Norfolk Island Territory of Norfolk Island 8 NULL NULL 9 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 ASTL0110.GIF NF NFK 574 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 168 NGRA Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria 9 NULL 22 9 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1960-10-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL NG NGA 566 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 169 NICA Nicaragua Republic of Nicaragua Nicaragua República de Nicaragua 9 NULL 3 9 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1908-09-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL NI NIC 558 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 170 NIGR Niger Republic of Niger Niger République du Niger 9 NULL 22 9 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-11-23 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL NE NER 562 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 171 NIUE Niue Niue Niue Niue 8 NULL 27 9 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NU NIU 570 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 172 NKOR North Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea Choson Choson-minjujuui-inmin-konghwaguk 9 NULL 24 9 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1948-09-09 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL KP PRK 408 NULL 4 5 H 2 0 3 173 NMAR Northern Marianas Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Northern Marianas Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 8 NULL 27 9 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL MP MNP 580 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 174 NOIR Northern Ireland Province of Northern Ireland Ulster Province of Northern Ireland 2 NULL 10 9 NULL NULL 3 5 3 NULL 3 0 11 UNKG0103.GIF NULL NULL NULL gb-ni.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 175 NORD Nordic Council Nordic Council Nordic Council Nordic Council 5 NULL 6 9 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL xn_nordc.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 176 NORW Norway Kingdom of Norway Norge Kongeriket Norge 9 NULL 6 9 NULL National Flag 8 11 1 1821-07-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL NO NOR 578 NULL 2 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 177 NWCA New Caledonia Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies Nouvelle-Calédonie Territoire des Nouvelle-Calédonie et Dependances 8 NULL NULL 9 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NC NCL 540 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 178 NWZE New Zealand New Zealand Aotearoa New Zealand 9 NULL 27 9 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1902-06-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL NZ NZL 554 NULL 6 NULL NULL 1 0 3 179 OAST OAS Organization of American States OAS Organization of American States 5 5 NULL 10 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-oas.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 180 OAUN OAU Organization of African Unity OAU Organization of African Unity 5 1 NULL 10 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-oau.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 181 OLYM Olympic Movement International Olympic Committee Olympic Movement International Olympic Committee 6 7 NULL 10 NULL NULL 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL oly@idx.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 182 OMAN Oman Sultanate of Oman Uman Saltanat Uman 9 NULL 18 10 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1995-04-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL OM OMN 512 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 183 OPEC OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 5 NULL 18 10 NULL NULL 3 5 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-opec.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 184 PAKS Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan 9 NULL 30 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1947-08-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL PK PAK 586 NULL 4 2 V 2 0 3 NULL 185 PALA Palau Republic of Palau Palau Republic of Palau 9 NULL 27 10 NULL National Flag 5 8 1 1981-01-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL PW PLW 585 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 186 PANA Panamá Republic of Panamá Panamá República de Panamá 9 NULL 3 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1903-11-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL PA PAN 591 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 1 NULL 187 PANG Papua New Guinea Independent State of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Independent State of Papua New Guinea 9 NULL 34 10 NULL National Flag 3 4 3 1971-06-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL PG PNG 598 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 188 PARA Paraguay Republic of Paraguay Paraguay República del Paraguay 9 NULL 2 10 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1842-11-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL PY PRY 600 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 1 NULL 189 PERU Perú Republic of Perú Perú República del Perú 9 NULL 2 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1825-02-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL PE PER 604 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 190 PHIL Philippines Republic of the Philippines Pilipinas Repúblika ng Pilipinas 9 NULL 18 10 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1898-05-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL PH PHL 608 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 191 PIIS Pitcairn Islands British Overseas Territory of the Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands British Overseas Territory of the Pitcairn Islands 8 NULL 27 10 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL PN PCN 612 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 192 POLA Poland Republic of Poland Polska Rzeczpospolita Polska 9 NULL 6 10 NULL National Flag 5 8 1 1919-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL PL POL 616 NULL 4 2 H 1 0 0 NULL 193 PORT Portugal Republic of Portugal Portugal República Portuguesa 9 NULL 15 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1911-06-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL PT PRT 620 NULL 4 2 V 3 0 2 NULL 194 PURC Puerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 8 NULL 16 10 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL PR PRI 630 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 195 QATA Qatar State of Qatar Qatar Dawlat Qatar 9 NULL 18 10 NULL National Flag 11 28 1 1949-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 1 5 NULL QA QAT 634 NULL 4 2 V 3 0 3 196 RMNA România România România România 9 NULL 19 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1989-12-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL RO ROU 642 NULL 4 3 V 1 0 0 NULL 197 RNUN Réunion Overseas Department of Réunion Réunion Département d'Outre-Mer de la Réunion 8 NULL NULL 10 NULL Local Flag (unofficial) 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL RE REU 638 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 198 RUSS Russian Federation Russian Federation Rossiya Rossiyskaya Federatsiya 9 6 NULL 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1991-08-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL RU RUS 643 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 199 RWAN Rwanda Republic of Rwanda Rwanda Republika y'u Rwanda 9 NULL 8 10 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 NULL NULL 0 11 NULL RW RWA 646 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 200 SAAR Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Al Arabiyah as Sa'udiyah Al Mamlakah al Arabiyah as Sa'udiyah 9 NULL 18 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1973-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 NULL SA SAU 682 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 201 SAMA San Marino Republic of San Marino San Marino Repubblica di San Marino 9 NULL 31 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1862-04-06 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL SM SMR 674 NULL 4 2 H 3 0 1 NULL 202 SAMI Sami Nordic Sami Conference Sami Nordic Sami Conference 6 7 NULL 11 NULL NULL 4 5 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL xn_sami.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 203 SARK Sark Sark Sark Sark 3 NULL NULL 11 NULL NULL 3 5 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL gg.html#sark NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 205 SCOU Scouts & Guides World Scouting & Guiding Movements Scouts & Guides World Scouting & Guiding Movements 6 7 NULL 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL scout.html#wosm NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 206 SEBO Seborga Principality of Seborga Seborga Principato di Seborga 7 NULL NULL 11 NULL NULL 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL it-sebor.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 207 SENE Senegal Republic of Senegal Sénégal République du Sénégal 9 NULL 22 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1960-09-01 00:00:00.000 2 0 6 NULL SN SEN 686 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 1 NULL 208 SEYC Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Seychelles Republic of Seychelles 9 NULL 25 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1996-01-08 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SC SYC 690 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 209 SGSS South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands British Overseas Territory of South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands British Overseas Territory of South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands 8 NULL NULL 11 NULL Government Ensign 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL GS SGS 239 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 210 SILE Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone 9 NULL 22 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1961-04-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SL SLE 694 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 211 SING Singapore Republic of Singapore Singapore Republic of Singapore 9 NULL 5 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1959-12-03 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SG SGP 702 NULL 4 2 H 2 0 3 NULL 212 SKOR South Korea Republic of Korea Hanguk Taehan-min'guk 9 NULL 24 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1948-09-08 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL KR KOR 410 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 213 SLVA Slovenia Republic of Slovenia Slovenija Republika Slovenija 9 NULL 17 11 NULL State Flag 1 2 3 1991-06-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SI SVN 705 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 3 214 SMLA Somalia Somali Republic Somaliya Jamhuryadda Somaliya 9 NULL 23 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1954-10-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SO SOM 706 NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 1 1 NULL 215 SMLD Somaliland Republic of Somaliland Somaliland Republic of Somaliland 4 NULL NULL 11 NULL NULL 4 7 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL so-mv.html#v1 4 3 H 2 0 2 NULL 216 SMOM Sovereign Military Order of Malta Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta Sovereign Military Order of Malta Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta 6 NULL 31 11 NULL Flag of the Order 3 5 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL smom.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 217 SOAF South Africa Republic of South Africa Suid Afrika Republic of South Africa 9 NULL 20 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1994-04-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ZA ZAF 710 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 218 SOIS Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 9 NULL 27 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1977-11-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SB SLB 090 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 219 SPAN Spain Kingdom of Spain España Reino de España 9 NULL 19 11 NULL State Flag 2 3 3 1927-07-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL ES ESP 724 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 NULL 220 SPCO Pacific Community Secretariat of the Pacific Community Pacific Community Secretariat of the Pacific Community 5 NULL 27 10 NULL NULL 7 10 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL int-spc.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 221 SRLA Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 9 NULL 30 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1978-12-14 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LK LKA 144 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 222 STHC St. Helena & Dependencies British Overseas Territory of St. Helena & Dependencies St. Helena & Dependencies British Overseas Territory of St. Helena & Dependencies 8 NULL 27 11 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL SH SHN 654 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 223 STKN St. Kitts & Nevis Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis 9 NULL 16 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1983-09-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL KN KNA 659 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 224 STLU Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 9 NULL 16 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1967-03-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL LC LCA 662 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 225 STPM St. Pierre & Miquelon Territorial Collectivity of St. Pierre & Miquelon St. Pierre & Miquelon Collectivité Territoriale de St. Pierre & Miquelon 8 NULL NULL 11 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL PM SPM 666 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 226 STPR São Tomé & PrÍncipe Democratic Republic of São Tomé and PrÍncipe São Tomé e PrÍncipe República Democrática de São Tomé e PrÍncipe 9 NULL 22 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1975-11-05 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ST STP 678 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 227 SUDA The Sudan Republic of the Sudan Sudan Jamhuryat es-Sudan 9 NULL 23 11 Sudan National Flag 1 2 1 1970-05-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SD SDN 736 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 228 SURN Suriname Republic of Suriname Suriname Republiek Suriname 9 NULL 2 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1975-11-25 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SR SUR 740 NULL 4 5 H 1 1 3 229 SVGR St. Vincent & the Grenadines St. Vincent & the Grenadines St. Vincent & the Grenadines St. Vincent & the Grenadines 9 NULL 16 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1985-10-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL VC VCT 670 NULL 4 3 V 2 0 3 NULL 230 SVKA Slovakia Slovak Republic Slovensko Slovenska Republika 9 NULL 17 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1992-09-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SK SVK 703 NULL 4 3 H 3 0 3 231 SWDN Sweden Kingdom of Sweden Sverige Konungariket Sverige 9 NULL 6 11 NULL National Flag 5 8 1 1906-06-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL SE SWE 752 NULL 2 NULL NULL 1 0 0 NULL 232 SWIT Switzerland Swiss Confederation Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Confoederatio Helvetica 10 NULL 17 11 NULL National Flag 1 1 1 1889-12-12 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL CH CHE 756 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 3 233 SYRA Syria Syrian Arab Republic Souriya Al Jumhuriyah al Arabiyah as Suriyah 9 NULL 18 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1980-03-29 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SY SYR 760 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 2 NULL 234 SZLD Swaziland Kingdom of Swaziland Swaziland Umbuso we Swatini 9 NULL 20 11 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1967-10-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL SZ SWZ 748 NULL 4 5 H 2 0 3 NULL 235 TAIW Taiwan Republic of China T'ai-wan Chung Hua Min Kuo 7 NULL 5 12 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1928-10-28 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL TW TWN 158 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 236 TAJK Tajikistan Republic of Tajikistan Tojikistan Jumhurii Tojikistan 9 NULL 4 12 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1992-11-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TJ TJK 762 NULL 4 3 H 2 0 3 237 TANZ Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania 9 NULL 23 12 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1964-06-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TZ TZA 834 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 238 THAL Thailand Kingdom of Thailand Prathet Thai Prathet Thai 9 NULL 5 12 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1917-09-28 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL TH THA 764 NULL 4 5 H 1 0 0 NULL 239 TIBE Tibet Autonomous Region of Tibet Pö Pö 7 NULL 30 12 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL xt.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 240 TKST Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenostan Respublikasy 9 NULL 4 12 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1997-02-19 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TM TKM 795 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 NULL 241 TOGO Togo Togolese Republic Togo République Togolaise 9 NULL 22 12 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1960-04-27 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TG TGO 768 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 1 NULL 242 TOKE Tokelau Tokelau Tokelau Tokelau 8 NULL NULL 12 NULL New Zealand National Flag 1 2 2 NULL 3 0 11 NULL TK TKL 772 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 NULL 243 TONG Tonga Kingdom of Tonga Tonga Kingdom of Tonga 9 NULL 27 12 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1875-11-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 4 NULL TO TON 776 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 3 244 TRIS Tromelin Tromelin Tromelin Tromelin 8 NULL NULL 12 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 FRAN0001.GIF NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 245 TRTB Trinidad & Tobago Republic of Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad & Tobago Republic of Trinidad & Tobago 9 NULL 16 12 NULL National Flag 3 5 1 1962-08-31 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TT TTO 780 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 0 3 246 TUCS Turks & Caicos Islands British Overseas Territory of the Turks & Caicos Islands Turks & Caicos Islands British Overseas Territory of the Turks & Caicos Islands 8 NULL 16 12 NULL Territory Flag 1 2 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL TC TCA 796 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 247 TUNS Tunisia Republic of Tunisia Tunis Al Jumhuriyah at Tunisiyah 9 NULL 21 12 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1835-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 3 NULL TN TUN 788 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 248 TURK Turkey Republic of Turkey Türkiye Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 9 6 NULL 12 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1936-06-05 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL TR TUR 792 NULL 3 NULL NULL 2 0 3 249 TUVA Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu 9 NULL 27 12 NULL National Flag (1995-1997) 1 2 3 1978-10-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL TV TUV 798 NULL 6 NULL NULL 1 0 3 NULL 250 UAEM United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Al Imarata al Arabiyah al Muttahidah Al Imarata al Arabiyah al Muttahidah 9 NULL 18 13 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 1971-12-02 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL AE ARE 784 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 0 3 251 UGAN Uganda Republic of Uganda Uganda Republic of Uganda 9 NULL 23 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1962-10-09 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL UG UGA 800 NULL 4 6 H 3 0 0 NULL 252 UKRN Ukraine Ukraine Ukrayina Ukrayina 9 NULL 7 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1991-09-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL UA UKR 804 NULL 4 2 H 1 0 0 NULL 253 UNKG United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 9 NULL 10 13 NULL Union Flag & Naval Jack 1 2 1 1801-01-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL GB GBR 826 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 NULL 254 UNNA United Nations United Nations United Nations United Nations 5 7 NULL 13 NULL NULL 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL NULL NULL NULL uno.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 255 UNST United States United States of America United States United States of America 9 NULL 1 13 NULL National Flag "Stars and Stripes" 10 19 2 1960-07-04 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL US USA 840 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 256 URGY Uruguay Oriental Republic of Uruguay Uruguay República Oriental del Uruguay 9 NULL 2 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1830-07-11 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL UY URY 858 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 1 NULL 257 USVS Virgin Islands Virgin Islands of the United States Virgin Islands Virgin Islands of the United States 8 NULL 16 13 NULL Territory Flag 2 3 3 NULL 3 0 11 NULL VI VIR 850 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 258 UZBK Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekiston Uzbekiston Respublikasi 9 NULL 4 13 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1991-11-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL UZ UZB 860 NULL 4 5 H 2 0 3 NULL 259 VACY Vatican City State of the Vatican City Citta del Vaticano Stato della Citta del Vaticano 10 NULL 31 13 NULL NULL 1 1 3 1929-06-07 00:00:00.000 3 0 5 NULL VA VAT 336 NULL 4 2 V 2 0 3 260 VANT Vanuatu Republic of Vanuatu Vanuatu Ripablik Blong Vanuatu 9 NULL 27 13 NULL National Flag 3 5 3 1980-02-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL VU VUT 548 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 0 3 261 VENZ Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Venezuela República Bolivariana de Venezuela 9 NULL 2 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 2 1836-04-20 00:00:00.000 3 0 3 NULL VE VEN 862 NULL 4 3 H 1 1 3 NULL 262 VIET Viêt Nam Socialist Republic of Viêt Nam Viêt Nam Công Hòa Xã Hôi Chu Nghia Viêt Nam 9 NULL 5 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1955-11-30 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL VN VNM 704 NULL 3 NULL NULL 1 1 3 263 WAFU Wallis & Futuna Territory of the Wallis & Futuna Islands Wallis & Futuna Territoire des Iles Wallis & Futuna 8 NULL NULL 13 NULL French National Flag 2 3 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL WF WLF 876 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 264 WALE Wales Principality of Wales Cymru Cymru 2 NULL 10 13 NULL National Flag "The Red Dragon" 3 5 3 1959-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 0 6 UNKG0102.GIF NULL NULL NULL gb-wales.html NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 265 WEBA Palestine Palestinian National Authority Filastin Al-Solata al-Wataniya Al-Filastiniya 10 NULL 18 10 NULL National Flag 1 2 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL PS PSE 275 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 266 WESA Western Sahara Democratic Arab Republic Sahara Al Sahara al Gharbi Al Jumhuriyah al'Arabiyah al Dimuqratiyah al Sahara 4 NULL 21 13 NULL NULL 1 2 1 NULL 3 0 11 NULL EH ESH 732 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL 267 WESM Samoa Independent State of Samoa Samoa Malotuto'atasi o Samoa 9 NULL 27 11 NULL National Flag 1 2 2 1962-01-01 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 SAMO0001.GIF WS WSM 882 NULL 1 NULL NULL 1 1 3 268 YEMN Yemen Republic of Yemen Al Yaman Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah 9 NULL 18 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1990-05-22 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL YE YEM 887 NULL 4 3 H 1 0 0 NULL 270 ZAMB Zambia Republic of Zambia Zambia Republic of Zambia 9 NULL 20 13 NULL National Flag 2 3 3 1964-10-24 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ZM ZMB 894 NULL 1 NULL NULL 2 0 3 271 CODR Congo-Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Congo-Kinshasa République Démocratique de Congo 9 NULL 8 3 NULL National Flag 2 3 1 1997-05-17 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 CODR0001.GIF CD COD 180 NULL 5 NULL NULL 1 1 3 NULL 272 ZBWE Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe 9 NULL 20 13 NULL National Flag 1 2 3 1980-04-18 00:00:00.000 3 0 6 NULL ZW ZWE 716 NULL 5 NULL NULL 2 1 3 NULL (268 row(s) affected) CategoryID TreeIcon CategoryDescr Notes Examples TopTreeLevel NonGeometric 3 check Checkerboard Any combination of straight internal boundaries (boundaries running from one side of the flag to the other without changing direction) NULL 1 0 4 stripe Stripes NULL NULL 1 0 6 stripe.h Stripes, horizontal NULL NULL 0 0 7 stripe.v Stripes, vertical NULL NULL 0 0 8 tricol.h Tricolor, horizontal NULL NULL 0 0 9 tricol.v Tricolor, vertical NULL NULL 0 0 10 Tricolor, horizontal, with device NULL NULL 0 0 11 tricol Tricolor NULL NULL 1 0 12 Tricolor, vertical, with device NULL NULL 0 0 13 Tricolor, with device NULL NULL 0 0 14 uppleft Upper left NULL NULL 1 0 15 cross Cross NULL NULL 1 0 16 cross.sal Cross, saltire NULL NULL 0 0 18 starcres Star and crescent NULL NULL 0 0 19 star Star NULL NULL 1 0 20 dev.cent Device, centered NULL NULL 1 0 21 star.cent Star, centered NULL NULL 0 0 22 crest.cent Crest, centered NULL NULL 0 1 23 animal Animal NULL NULL 1 1 24 animal.bird Bird NULL NULL 0 1 25 words Words/letters Excluding text on crest NULL 1 0 26 commun Communist NULL NULL 1 0 27 weapon Weapons NULL NULL 1 1 28 gun Gun NULL NULL 0 1 29 starstrip Stars and stripes Upper left field of stars; stripes USA; Liberia; Togo 0 0 30 diag Diagonal NULL NULL 1 0 31 nonrect Non-rectangular Nepal NULL 1 0 32 plain Plain Libya NULL 1 0 34 circle Circle NULL NULL 1 0 35 border Border NULL NULL 1 0 36 trian Triangle NULL NULL 1 0 38 animal.eagle Eagle NULL NULL 0 1 39 tree Tree NULL NULL 0 1 42 star.5 Star, 5-pointed NULL NULL 0 0 43 star.6 Star, 6-pointed NULL NULL 0 0 44 star.many Star, many-pointed NULL NULL 0 0 45 starlike Star-like NULL NULL 0 0 46 Tricolor, vertical, with star NULL NULL 0 0 47 Tricolor, horizontal, with star NULL NULL 0 0 48 flora Flora NULL NULL 1 1 49 dev.bord.diag Device, overlaying a border, diagonal NULL Bhutan 0 0 50 dev.bord Device, overlaying a border NULL Bhutan, Burkina Faso 1 0 51 crest Crest Heraldic crest or coat of arms Spain 1 1 52 ident.indmon Indonesia/Monaco NULL NULL 0 0 53 ident.luxneth Luxembourg/Netherlands NULL NULL 0 0 55 sun Sun NULL NULL 1 0 56 unionj Union jack in canton Flags with small union jacks Australia, NZ 0 0 57 counterch Counterchanged NULL Greece, Greenland, UK 1 0 58 layer Layered Figures or fields appearing to cover others Central African Republic, Haiti, Bhutan 1 0 59 cross.scand Cross, Scandanavian NULL NULL 0 0 60 starcres.many Star and crescent, many stars NULL NULL 0 0 61 koran Koran The shahada ("There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet") NULL 0 1 62 crest.cart Crest, with cartouche NULL NULL 0 1 63 water Water NULL Seychelles (old); Bristish Indian Ocean Territories 1 0 64 const Constellations NULL NULL 1 0 66 tricol.h.un Tricolor, horizontal, uneven NULL NULL 0 0 71 key Key NULL NULL 1 0 72 square Square NULL Switzerland, Vatican City 1 0 73 Constellations, Southern Cross NULL NULL 0 0 75 tricol.white Tricolor, with white middle stripe NULL NULL 0 0 76 tricol.white.h Tricolor, with white middle stripe, horizontal NULL NULL 0 0 77 tricol.white.v Tricolor, with white middle stripe, vertical NULL NULL 0 0 78 map Map NULL NULL 1 0 79 sun.may Sun of May NULL NULL 0 1 80 zigzag Zig-zag NULL NULL 1 0 81 revcol.banjap Bangladesh/Japan/Palau NULL NULL 0 0 82 animal.dragon Dragon NULL NULL 0 1 83 fimb Fimbriation NULL NULL 0 0 84 diamond Diamond NULL NULL 1 0 86 quarter Quartered NULL NULL 1 0 87 architect Architecture NULL NULL 1 0 88 quarter.diag Quartered, diagonal NULL NULL 0 0 89 wreath Wreath NULL NULL 0 1 90 sword Sword NULL NULL 0 1 91 unionj.crest Union jack in canton, with crest NULL NULL 0 0 92 animal.lion Lion NULL NULL 0 1 93 crown Crown NULL NULL 1 1 94 cresc Crescent NULL NULL 1 0 95 yinyang Yin/Yang NULL NULL 0 0 96 name Name/initials of region NULL NULL 0 0 97 book Book/scroll NULL NULL 1 1 98 Bahrain/Qatar NULL NULL 0 0 99 tricol.v.un Tricolor, vertical, uneven NULL NULL 0 0 100 rays Divergent rays NULL NULL 1 0 101 cross.couped Cross, couped NULL NULL 0 0 102 globe Globe NULL NULL 0 0 104 trian.hoi.str Triangle, hoist, with stripes NULL NULL 0 0 106 spear Spear or arrow NULL NULL 0 1 107 words.arabic Arabic NULL NULL 0 0 108 trian.hoi Triangle, hoist NULL NULL 0 0 109 words.english English NULL NULL 0 0 110 words.spanish Spanish NULL NULL 0 0 111 words.french French NULL NULL 0 0 112 words.latin Latin NULL NULL 0 0 113 flag Flag NULL NULL 1 0 114 human Human form NULL NULL 0 0 115 landsc Landscape NULL NULL 0 0 116 flame Flame or torch NULL NULL 0 0 118 revcol.crth Costa Rica/Thailand NULL NULL 0 0 119 revcol.cupr Cuba/Puerto Rico NULL NULL 0 0 120 tricol.wh Tricolor, with white stripe NULL NULL 1 0 121 tricol.wh.v Tricolor, with white stripe, vertical NULL NULL 0 0 122 tricol.wh.h Tricolor, with white stripe, horizontal NULL NULL 0 0 123 revcol Reversed colors NULL NULL 1 0 124 ident Identical NULL NULL 1 0 125 ident.difcol Identical except for color NULL NULL 1 0 126 similar Similar NULL NULL 1 0 (107 row(s) affected) NodeID NodeText KeyStub ParentKey SortOrder TreeIcon 1 Aspect ratios rat NULL 4 ratio 2 Visual categories cat NULL 7 color3 3 Alphabetical alp NULL 1 alpha 4 Date of adoption dat NULL 5 date 5 Geometricity geo NULL 6 check 7 Region type typ NULL 8 globe 8 Geographical location loc NULL 9 globe 9 Color count colct NULL 2 color6 (8 row(s) affected) RegionTypeID RegionTypeDescr SortOrder TreeIcon 1 Chinese Special Administrative Area 10 type.chinadm 2 Constituent Country 7 type.const 3 Crown Territory 6 type.crownterr 4 Disputed State 9 type.dispute 5 Grouping 3 type.grouping 6 International Organization 4 type.intorg 7 Non-UN Country 5 type.nonun 8 Territory 2 type.terr 9 UN Country 1 type.un 10 UN Observer 8 type.unobs (10 row(s) affected) GeometryTypeID GeometryTypeDescr SortOrder TreeIcon 1 Simple geometric 1 check 2 Complex geometric 2 starstrip 3 Non-geometric 3 crest.cent (3 row(s) affected) GeoLocationSectionID GeoLocationID GeoLocationSectionCode GeoLocationSectionDescr SortOrder TreeIcon 1 5 NAMER North America 1 globe 2 5 SAMER South America 3 globe 3 5 CAMER Central America 2 globe 4 3 CASIA Central Asia 3 globe 5 3 SEASIA Southeast Asia 4 globe 6 2 NEUR Northern Europe 1 globe 7 2 EEUR Eastern Europe 4 globe 8 1 CAFR Central Africa 2 globe 10 2 NWEUR Northwestern Europe 3 globe 15 2 SWEUR Southwestern Europe 8 globe 16 4 WIND West Indies 5 globe 17 2 CEUR Central Europe 6 globe 18 3 SWASIA Southwest Asia 5 globe 19 2 SEEUR Southeastern Europe 7 globe 20 1 SAFR Southern Africa 6 globe 21 1 NAFR Northern Africa 1 globe 22 1 WAFR Western Africa 4 globe 23 1 EAFR Eastern Africa 3 globe 24 3 EASIA East Asia 2 globe 25 4 INDIAN Indian Ocean 3 globe 26 4 ATL Atlantic Ocean 1 globe 27 4 PACIF Pacific Ocean 2 globe 28 2 NEEUR Northeastern Europe 2 globe 29 2 WEUR Western Europe 5 globe 30 3 SASIA Southern Asia 6 globe 31 2 SEUR Southern Europe 9 globe 32 3 NEASIA Northeast Asia 1 globe 33 1 SEAFR Southeast Africa 5 globe 34 4 PACIND Pacific/Indian Oceans 4 globe (29 row(s) affected) GeoLocationID GeoLocationDescr TreeIcon 1 Africa globe 2 Europe globe 3 Asia globe 4 Oceans globe 5 Americas globe 6 Europe/Asia globe 7 Global globe 8 Antarctic globe (8 row(s) affected) AlphaGroupID AlphaGroupText TreeIcon 1 A NULL 2 B NULL 3 C NULL 4 D, E, F NULL 5 G, H NULL 6 I, J, K NULL 7 L NULL 8 M NULL 9 N NULL 10 O, P, Q, R NULL 11 S NULL 12 T NULL 13 U, V, W, X, Y, Z NULL (13 row(s) affected) AdoptionDateRangeID StartDate EndDate SortOrder TreeIcon 3 1800-01-01 00:00:00.000 1849-12-31 00:00:00.000 5 NULL 4 1850-01-01 00:00:00.000 1899-12-31 00:00:00.000 6 NULL 5 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 1949-12-31 00:00:00.000 7 NULL 6 1950-01-01 00:00:00.000 1999-12-31 00:00:00.000 8 NULL 7 2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 NULL 9 NULL 11 NULL NULL 1 NULL (6 row(s) affected)